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Course description

Remember the Wells Fargo debacle? So does the rest of America. Worse yet, they weren't alone. Without carefully crafted cultural identities and branding, without strong ethical standards and without well-scrutinized HR policies and procedures (including compensation and incentive planning), and without consistently applied accountability, bad things can… and do… happen. Not convinced, just look at the monthly listing of fines and violations posted by the FDIC, everything from outright theft to unevenly applied regulations to lending discrimination. Add in EEOC violations and Harassment claims and you've got a real mess.

While our bottom line is exceedingly important to all of us, it shouldn't be the goal of sound strategy, rather the successful outcome of sound strategy that drives us forward. So how do we judge ourselves on the bottom line yet strive to serve the best interests of our customers? Through sound strategy and planning. We get serious about managing our Conduct Risk.

What is Conduct Risk? According to Thompson Reuters, "Conduct Risk is risk to the delivery of fair customer outcomes, or to market integrity." In other words, it's anything we do at our organization that puts ourselves and our profits ahead of the best interests of our customers.

Most of us have mission statements that read something like, "Our goal is to improve the financial lives of our customers in a safe and sound manner." And, most of us believe in this high ideal. However, our business practices haven't always acted in accordance with it. Today's regulators, and even the public, are now demanding that we live up to the ideal we set for ourselves.

This webinar takes a deep dive into Conduct Risk, examines its numerous components, evaluates its key "drivers" and provides attendees with a host of tools to help develop a healthy, ethical and compliant corporate culture within your organization.


  • Sample Conduct Risk Evaluation Tool
  • Sample Ethics Policy
  • Sample Conduct Policy for Employee and Boards
  • Sample Performance Management Tools
  • Sample Conflict of Interest Policy

Who Should Attend:

Department Managers, Human Resources Professionals, Frontline Staff, Anyone who "Sells"


Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Understanding and Managing Conduct Risk in Today’s Environment

  • 2


    • Slides

    • Sample Code of Ethics Policy

    • Sample Code of Conduct Policy

    • Conduct Risk Assessment Tool

    • Attendance Sheet

    • Sample Conflicts of Interest Policy

    • Questions and Answers