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Course description

If your bank does escrow statements at the year end, your busy season is fast approaching. If you do statements all year, you may have new staff or seasoned staff ready for a refresher.

Escrow accounts were once the domain of RESPA and HUD’s Reg. X. But interest has grown with the expansion of escrow accounts via flood requirements, Reg. Z’s Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans and the Dodd-Frank Act mandated changes. Once an escrow process is running, it needs maintenance and controls. Banks need to ensure they are managing the escrow process completely from inception of the loan through the final payment and with audits in-between.

In this two-hour webinar we will:

  • review the basics of the escrow rules, including which accounts are subject to the rules;
  • look at the statements that must be provided, and when and under what conditions they are due, including the initial, annual and loan payoff statements;
  • review what you can or must do when there is a deficiency, shortage or a surplus of funds;
  • review what you can do to reduce the “payment shock” your borrower suffers when raw land is first taxed as improved property and their payment increases significantly; and
  • show you how to use customized auditing worksheets to both establish your customers’ escrow accounts and to audit them to ensure compliance with the rules.

As an auditor, lender or loan administrator you have responsibilities to provide statements and to properly account for the dollars flowing into and out of escrow accounts. It is important to do it correctly or your bank could face criticism, fines, and your customers could suffer financial hardship.

We will show you what needs to be done so that whether you are a pro at managing escrows or these are new to you, you will know how to handle them. You will receive a detailed manual complete with examples to keep as a resource document.  It isn’t necessary to stop making certain loans just because you feel the escrow accounts are too cumbersome.


 WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Compliance officers, auditors, loan closers, loan administration staff and lenders will all benefit from this webinar.  



Andy Zavoina

Mr. Andy Zavoina, CRCM, is an Executive Vice President with the Glia Group, Inc., best known for its involvement with BankersOnline.com. He joined Glia and BOL in 2003. Mr. Zavoina has been in finance and banking for over 42 years. Over 20 years were with a two-bank holding company that had $534 million in assets, 89 branches spanning Texas and nearly 500 ATMs. He has done loan workouts, has been a consumer, commercial and real estate lender and managed those departments, as well as being his banks first Webmaster. He was responsible for compliance -management, -auditing, and -training for both banks. Mr. Zavoina is a recipient of the American Bankers Association’s Distinguished Service Award for his involvement and accomplishments in the field of regulatory compliance management. He is a past Chairman of the ABA’s Compliance Executive Committee, the Editorial Advisory Board for the ABA Compliance Magazine and served as a member of the ABA’s Compliance School Board. He is a BankersOnline Guru. He also served on the Texas Bankers Association's Compliance Committee. He is a graduate of the ABA National Commercial Lending School, National Compliance and National Graduate Compliance School and is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager with the Institute of Certified Bankers. He has written articles and lectured on compliance, the use of the internet and technology as a tool, as well as compliance in cyberspace to local, state and national associations across the U.S. and teaches basic compliance and compliance management. You can reach Andy on the Internet by using his e-mail address, [email protected], or visiting http://www.bankersonline.com.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Access Webinar

  • 2


    • Slides

    • Materials

    • Questions and Answers
