SOCIAL DISTANCE PRICING — We know it's not always possible to train in a group setting right now, so we're offering additional user logins for $25 each. If you need more than 5, contact us to purchase.

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Course description

This session will include supplementary handouts, including:

  • FDIC Compliance Guide (provided it has been published by the date of the webinar)
  • FDIC Fact Sheet on CBLR Framework

In mid-September, the FDIC adopted two substantive rules and one technical rule related to regulatory capital. The rules simplify capital calculations & capital requirements for certain community banking organizations. 

Under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, the FDIC was required to introduce an optional simplified measure of capital adequacy. Qualifying banks will be eligible to opt into this measure, which is known as the Community Bank Leverage Ratio (CBLR) Framework. The appeal of opting-into the CBLR Framework is that banks will not be required to report or calculate risk-based capital. Banks will be able to use the CBLR Framework in their March 30, 2020, Call Report. 

Using the FDIC's forthcoming compliance guide (provided, of course, that the Guide is released prior to the date of the live webinar), this session will enable your bank to use the CBLR framework for your March 31, 2020, Call Report. 

The FDIC also published a rule that enables non-advanced approaches banking organizations to measure their tier 1 capital using the simpler regulatory capital requirements for mortgage-servicing assets, certain deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences, investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions, and minority interest. As of January 1, 2020, banks will be permitted to use this new measure for tier 1 capital under the CBLR framework. 

Finally, the FDIC also issued a technical rule that incorporates the CBLR framework into the deposit insurance assessment system. During this webinar, you will learn how this change is beneficial to your bank. 

In this webinar, you will discover how to opt into and out of the CBLR Framework. You will be able to determine whether your bank qualifies to use the Framework; and, you will be educated about the benefits and risks associated with it opting into it. We will examine the regulatory requirements for tier 1 capital, and evaluate the merits of using this new measure.  

After attending this session, you will be prepared to determine whether your bank should (1) opt-in to the CBLR Framework before completing your March 31, 2020, Call Report, and (2) use the new measure for tier 1 capital in the New Year. 

Covered Topics

  • Call Reports 101
  • CBLR Framework
  • The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, s. 201
  • Who is a Qualifying Community Banking Organization?
  • Benefits of Opting In
  • Grace Period 
  • New Rule for Tier 1 Capital 
    • What is Tier 1 Capital?
    • What are the simpler regulatory capital requirements
    • Calculation of the Leverage Ratio
    • Leverage Ratio Requirements
  • New Technical Rule
    • Assessment Rate Calculation
  • FDIC Compliance Guide (provided it has been published at least two (2) weeks before the webinar)
    • Included as a Handout! 
  • FDIC Fact Sheet on  Community Bank Leverage Ration (CBLR) Framework


Kathleen Blanchard

Kathleen Blanchard has over 32 years of experience in banking. She has developed lending and regulatory processes as a banker and consultant and presents detailed regulatory training that is very process specific. Her banking background includes commercial and private banking lending, credit review, credit policy and procedures, risk management and regulatory compliance at both community, regional and large international banks. Kathleen has been providing training and consulting services for banks, credit unions and non-bank lenders on their regulatory compliance processes, HMDA and CRA reporting, process development and training since 2006. She is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager and a BOL Guru for Kathleen presents her views and advice on HMDA and CRA and other regulatory matters at her website, Since 2015, Kathleen has been delivering in depth regulatory compliance consulting and training via The HMDA Academy, a unique personalized combination of consulting, training and resources delivered online to assist financial institutions and vendors in learning and applying the revised HMDA process and rules going into effect in 2017 and 2018.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Reporting HMDA Action Taken for Conditional Approvals

  • 2


    • Materials

    • Slides

    • Attendance Sheet

    • Questions and Answers