SOCIAL DISTANCE PRICING — We know it's not always possible to train in a group setting right now, so we're offering additional user logins for $25 each. If you need more than 5, contact us to purchase.

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Course description

Over the last forty years, Mary Beth Guard has encountered hundreds of horror stories that have one thing in common:  a screw-up at the time of account opening.  One step skipped, a deviation in procedures, a wrong box checked, a question answered incorrectly, an important fraud clue missed.  So much can go wrong, particularly if the person opening the new account has never had the benefit of a straightforward explanation of why we do what we do.  This program provides that very important background.

Other programs explain the steps for opening new accounts and how to complete those steps.  This webinar begins where those programs leave off and it wraps the process in a context so those who attend understand the big picture, how it all fits together, and what the goal of each step is.

The deeper the understanding of the issues surrounding each part of the new account opening procedures, the less likely a new account rep will be to deviate from the required steps.

We look at “What can happen IF . . .”   This program will be easy to listen to and chock full of memorable examples extracted from decades of Mary Beth Guard’s experience helping scores of banks deal with the aftermath of account openings gone wrong.  These are stories that will stick with listeners throughout their banking career and guide them to make the right choices time after time.

Who should attend:  New Account Representatives and Supervisors; Customer Service Reps; In-house Trainers.


Mary Beth Guard

Mary Beth Guard currently serves as Executive Editor of, CEO of Glia Group, Inc. and Executive Editor of Since graduating from law school in 1980, Mary Beth has focused her work almost exclusively on the banking industry. Previously, Mary Beth served as EVP/General Counsel and COO for the Oklahoma Bankers Association, EVP of Specialized Services for Thomson Financial Publishing, and General Counsel for the Oklahoma State Banking Department. Mary Beth is on the advisory board for Bankers' Hotline. She has presented training programs for virtually every major national financial industry association, as well as more than a dozen state bankers associations and a host of other organizations. In addition, Mary Beth has written more than a thousand banking-related articles and is a BOL Guru.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Access Webinar

  • 2


    • Slides

    • Questions and Answers