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Course description

Cash Recyclers, Pod Banking and ITMs have become the future for financial institutions.  With all new products and concepts many institutions make their plans by adopting procedures recommended by salespeople — procedures that could result  in dangerous security situations.  This fast-moving program starts with Pod Banking. We’ll discuss  how to design a pod branch, showing photos of what banks have done wrong and what they have done right.  If the reason you are building a pod branch is to modernize your facility you have already made your first mistake. Learn what the driving concepts should be when considering a pod design.  

Next, we move to cash recyclers. Here again, many financial institutions have followed a salesperson’s advice on installation.  The problem is —  the salesperson may never have faced a robbery situation or had training on how a criminal thinks!  This segment of our program will deep dive into how a financial institution should set up dual control, alarm systems and proper training of the staff for cash recyclers.  Camera systems to install at your location should be considered carefully.  Learn where your cameras should be placed to obtain the best video for information security as well as robbery.  

Interactive Teller Machines or the baby boomer ATM should be placed in locations where a financial institution wishes to reduce staff and extend operating hours. Learn where to implement an ITM and how to properly install it in this new environment. Finally, we will review special apps for opening and closing your offices, so staff feel safe in working for you.  Don’t let your lack of knowledge in this area place you in the courtroom!


  1. Security using a cash recycler isn’t just plug and play! Know what you should be achieving. 
  2. Learn about apps available to protect your financial institution.
  3. Learn about the technologies that are changing the banking world!
  4. Know the special procedures necessary to implement in pod branches!



Barry Thompson

Barry Thompson is an international speaker, trainer, consultant, and writer. He is a security and compliance “guru” for a leading national training organization and regularly presents security conferences for trade groups – he has trained over 60,000 financial professionals. Barry is recognized worldwide, presenting in Brussels, Belgium to European bankers on internal fraud; at the United Nations on identity theft; and to Japanese bankers on bank security. Barry has worked in the financial services industry for over four decades, and has held the positions of security officer, compliance officer, treasurer, senior vice president, and executive vice president. He has handled over 900 security cases and has been involved with investigations and prosecutions at the federal, state, and local levels. Barry is the author of 101 Security Tips for the Beginning Security Officer and Inside the Vault and has been interviewed by Newsweek, Computer World, USA Today, and other national publications.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Access Webinar

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    • Slides

    • Materials

    • Questions and Answers
