SOCIAL DISTANCE PRICING — We know it's not always possible to train in a group setting right now, so we're offering additional user logins for $25 each. If you need more than 5, contact us to purchase.

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Course Description

“I cased that bank out for about two weeks before I decided to rob it.” Those words were spoken by a violent take-over robber who had carefully planned his crime with his accomplice.  He, like so many others, had taken time to scout out the perfect spot and believed he would get away with it. He was wrong. What makes one location more favorable than another in the eyes of a robber?  What can we do to deter robbers from choosing our office?  This webinar will not only cover these topics, but also the basic life-saving steps employees should take to remain safe when faced with a bank robbery bandit.  Every employee can play a role in prevention, and it is critical that all personnel are prepared and trained in the safest response methods.  Additionally, we will examine recent cases and discuss the latest FBI statistics. Attendees will learn various methods used by these criminals, how their observations of the event can be critical, along with essential actions to take following a robbery.  Employees of financial institutions must recognize the risk that exists but understand that knowledge and training are vital to surviving the event safely.

Program Highlights:

• Making your location more attractive to customers and less attractive to criminals 

• Physical security measures to reduce your risk 

• Safe opening procedures 

• Considerations at closing time 

• Examination of recent cases of robbery/kidnapping 

• Protecting you, your employees, and your family 

• Bank robbers: in their own words 

• Responding to different types of robberies 

• Latest robbery statistics 

• The high cost of complacency 

• Morning glory robberies 

• Proven methods of prevention 

• Are you putting yourself at risk? 

• Habits that endanger 


Carol Dodgen

A nationally recognized speaker, Carol earned her master’s in criminal justice and has provided training for over 175,000 corporate, manufacturing, utility, law enforcement, and security personnel over the past 26 years. Before forming her company, Carol served as the security training officer for Compass Bank and spent several years as an adjunct criminal justice college instructor. Carol has earned her CPD (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) professional designation, and provides instruction on Crime Prevention, Robbery Prevention and Response, Workplace Violence Prevention and Response, Active Shooter, and Lone Worker Security. Carol has recently produced several video and e-learning training programs on these subjects. Carol is a current member and past chapter president of the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS), a past board member for the Alabama Women in Business, and currently services on the board of BlueWatch Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional, emotional and spiritual development of law enforcement and their families. In 2009, Carol was appointed by the governor to serve on the Alabama Security Regulatory Board. Dodgen Security Consulting Company, LLC is a certified woman-owned business through the State of Alabama.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Access Webinar

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    • Slides

    • Questions and Answers