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Course description

Improve Your System:

 Safe deposit vault burglaries and disasters like 9-11, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Ike and Katrina, damaging tornados, devastating fires, raging floods and many other nationwide disasters have significantly impacted our safe deposit industry. Following these tragic events, numerous institutions were confronted with many difficult challenges, decisions and very large lawsuits.

Did you inherit the safe deposit area and then start wondering what liability might exist? Historically, this responsibility has been routinely passed from employee to employee with very little attention given to existing procedures or documentation. Unfortunately, only after a burglary, natural disaster or lawsuit occurs does management turn its attention to this area.

Whether you have 50 boxes or 5,000, this presentation provides a realistic and well-organized method of reviewing and auditing your procedures before a catastrophe occurs. Your speaker knows first-hand what to look for; from the most common errors to the not so common, but potentially costly mistakes. This presentation will help you review your own internal procedures.

What You Will Learn:
This program answers many thought provoking questions and will address your concerns regarding the following issues:
  • What happened to all the safe deposit boxes after fire destroyed several banks recently?
  • What 15 steps must be taken when a flood fills your vault with contaminated water?
  • Why did 1,300 box renters file a multi-million dollar safe deposit lawsuit after a fire?
  • Why are many flooded safe deposit box disasters caused by defective plumbing?
  • How can proper vault door closing procedures help you avoid overnight guests?
  • What details about safe deposit burglaries have TV reporters covered recently?
  • How can FDIC or NCUA signs, logos or brochures create safe deposit liability?
  • Why should renters be provided with "No Insurance" disclosure forms?
  • What ten questions will always be asked in any safe deposit lawsuit?
  • How should employees be trained to answer consumer's questions?
  • Why must phrases like "waterproof or fireproof" vault be avoided?
  • Would your part-time attendant make a good courtroom witness?
  • Why are self-service box renters now suing for millions?


Dave McGuinn

David McGuinn, President of Safe Deposit Specialists, is a former banker with over 45 years of safe deposit experience. He is often referred to nationwide as the safe deposit GURU. In all 50 states he has trained over 350,000 safe deposit managers and personnel since 1969, and has served as President of the American Institute of Banking and the American, Texas and Houston Safe Deposit Associations. All four organizations have presented him with their President's Award for his dedication to the financial industry.Dave is a featured speaker for the American Bankers Association and the National Association of Federal Credit Union's TV network and has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Money Watch, Bottom Line Financial, Washington Post, New York Magazine, Associated Press, Money Magazine, AARP, National Public Radio, CUNA, FDIC, Court TV, CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC Nightly News on current safe deposit issues.McGuinn has created numerous safe deposit operations, marketing, audit, security, disaster and compliance manuals, brochures, forms, training videos and Internet/audio training programs. His safe deposit products and training seminars are now recognized as the recommended standard for the financial industry. All of his safe deposit resource items can be reviewed at

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Safe Deposit Liability Issues (2018 Update)

  • 2


    • Slides

    • Webinar Q & A Document