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Course description

Examiners insist on a risk-based approach to doing business. This presentation is designed to identify the most common -- and costly -- security-related risks and accompanying mistakes that an institution may experience. The critical mistakes -- and the proposed remedies -- are categorized into several topic concentrations to simplify the process. Consultants are constantly observing these failures with management teams not realizing they have serious problems. 


The Security Officer isn't the only position responsible for these mistakes, however -- the Board of Directors and other institution components also play a role in risk reduction and loss avoidance. By understanding the cause and effect relationships involving the creation of an effective security function and establishing appropriate risk reduction techniques, the Security Officer may use these examples to design and implement a standardized, institution-wide Security Program that both reduces losses and increases profit. 


Who Should Attend:

This informative program will benefit security officers, risk management staff, compliance officers, facilities management, and auditors


Barry Thompson

Barry Thompson is an international speaker, trainer, consultant, and writer. He is a security and compliance “guru” for a leading national training organization and regularly presents security conferences for trade groups – he has trained over 60,000 financial professionals. Barry is recognized worldwide, presenting in Brussels, Belgium to European bankers on internal fraud; at the United Nations on identity theft; and to Japanese bankers on bank security. Barry has worked in the financial services industry for over four decades, and has held the positions of security officer, compliance officer, treasurer, senior vice president, and executive vice president. He has handled over 900 security cases and has been involved with investigations and prosecutions at the federal, state, and local levels. Barry is the author of 101 Security Tips for the Beginning Security Officer and Inside the Vault and has been interviewed by Newsweek, Computer World, USA Today, and other national publications.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Access Webinar

  • 2


    • Slides

    • Questions and Answers
