SOCIAL DISTANCE PRICING — We know it's not always possible to train in a group setting right now, so we're offering additional user logins for $25 each. If you need more than 5, contact us to purchase.

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Course description

Every encounter today at the teller window presents an opportunity to expand the relationship with the customer. Each encounter calls for a teller to be keenly aware of the risk associated with various types of transactions. This program reminds the teller that at the end of the day there is the expectation to balance and much, much more.

This webinar will explain why it is important to:

Follow Procedure - some procedures can save money, some can spare criticism from the regulators, and others can save time, a few help spare lives.

Maintain Flexibility - successful tellers must meet the need to be flexible whether that is the hours they work or the people they work with or wait on.

Manage Risk - tellers become expert risk managers as they meet the challenges of cashing checks, reviewing ID, responding responsibly to robbery training and other security issues.

Promote Sales and Provide Service - the "inside sales force" is the teller line and like all customer contact personnel the teller must always be aware of sales opportunities while providing exceptional service.

Master the Balancing Act - developing consistent habits in dispensing and receiving cash as well as becoming efficient with common, everyday transactions are the safeguards to balancing.

Keep a Positive Attitude - the one thing in life we all have an equal shot at, and complete responsibility for, is our attitude.

Beware of the Sticky Stuff - tellers have to learn how to deal with the difficult customer and how to demonstrate professionalism when dealing with difficult situations.

This program is for you if you:

  • Have a concern your tellers don't take pride in their work;
  • Are ready to reduce errors, eliminate balancing problems and increase adherence to dress code and other policies;
  • Are looking for ways to improve attitudes, customer service delivery and cross-selling statistics?
  • Want some reinforcement to convince your tellers that what is expected of them can change quickly or that they need to learn to take the initiative on picking up the workload without prodding?
  • Are a teller and want to understand expectations and the reasons behind why tasks are handled a particular way.

Throughout the program excellent tips and techniques will be explored that deal with the skill sets, attitude and knowledge a teller must acquire to achieve excellence.

Who Should Attend: 
Your teller staff and all supervisors and trainers responsible for making a positive impact with tellers..


Honey Shelton

Honey Shelton brings the best of both worlds to her speaking and training engagements. She has 30 plus years of experience as a training and quality improvement consultant for banks and banking associations across the country. Her substantial banking background includes spending three years as Executive Vice President/Chief Retail Banking Officer with a $1 billion south Texas bank.Nationally recognized as an outstanding speaker, over a half million bankers have participated in programs Honey has presented. Her depth of knowledge, enthusiasm, and compelling personality have left a lasting mark on InterAction Training, the firm she founded in 1983.As a graduate of the School of Bank Marketing from the University of Colorado, she realizes the value of quality education. Honey invests time as a faculty member for banking schools around the country. She is a repeat presenter for most of the state banking associations and has accumulated an impressive client list that includes over 300 banks, credit unions and other organizations. Globally, she presented a program in the south of France for an international, energy-related firm.Honey has a coaching practice specializing in helping others pursue professional excellence and is the author of numerous published articles and training manuals. Her first book, Coaching Yourself & Others will be released soon.As a member of the American Society of Training & Development (ASTD), Honey continues her personal pursuit of excellence and has obtained certification in Reality Therapy from the William Glasser Institute as well as certification from the Training and Development Program at Texas A&M.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Achieving Teller Excellence

  • 2


    • Slides

    • Questions and Answers