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Course description

ICB Credit: 2.5 CRCM

Fair lending issues should be first on your "HMDA reading list". There are groups out there assisting anybody who cares to know with investigating and analyzing home mortgage lending in any community and the lending record of any lender that reports data under HMDA. Shouldn't you know before they do what they might discover about your financial institution?

Phrases such as "Opportunities for expansion" and Cross-selling" are seldom used in the same hemisphere, much less the same sentence, as HMDA. However, a review of your data can possibly uncover such gems.

And what could be more fun than "keeping up with the Joneses'"? If John Q. Public can analyze your HMDA data, you may, and should, look at your competitors' data as well. Where are they lending? Which types of customers are they attracting? How can your financial institution get a bigger piece of the pie?

We will explore methods for utilizing your HMDA information for something other than complying with Reg. C:

  • Marketing - Where do you find potential new deposit, as well as loan, customers
  • Fair Lending - What do the numbers say and how to defend them?
  • Expanding - Is there an opportunity for a branch or ATM?
  • Competing - Who are your competitors and what are they up to?

 Who should attend? This session is designed for:

  • Senior management
  • Loan Officers
  • Risk Management Officers
  • Compliance Officers
  • CRA Officers


Partner, Cashman Compliance Solutions, LLC

Patricia Cashman

Patricia Cashman is a partner in Cashman Compliance Solutions, LLC. She is responsible for consumer compliance reviews, Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering reviews, and compliance and BSA training. Patricia began her banking career in 1969. She has been the senior operations officer for three Dallas-Ft. Worth area community banks, an assistant examiner for the Texas Department of Banking and managed the compliance/internal audit division of TIB - The Independent BankersBank, one of the largest bankers' banks in the country. Additionally, Patricia has spoken as a webcast/teleconference presenter for the American Bankers Association (ABA), BankersOnline (BOL) and the Center for Financial Training (CFT), taught a variety of compliance subjects for the Texas Bankers Association (TBA) and ABA at their respective Compliance Schools. She also serves as a BOL GURU and been a speaker/trainer for numerous banks and compliance organizations.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • HMDA - Beyond the Input

  • 2


    • Materials

    • Slides

    • Questions and Answers