Efficient SAR Narratives: Beyond the 5 W's - 2015
Presented by
Victor Cardona
2.0 hours
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With BSA/AML-related enforcement actions on the rise, how can one ensure they are collecting, analyzing and detailing the correct information in a SAR to comply with the FFIEC Manual, and federal examiner expectations? This webinar will go beyond the 5 W's of a SAR narrative, diving deeper in to what examiners are truly focusing in on this time around.
The presentation will review how expanding the SAR narrative to include customer actions beyond those considered suspicious can help law enforcement get the "big picture" and better understand the context of the SAR filing. It will also offer techniques for internet research that can provide additional background to help make a SAR filing more effective in explaining the subject and actions being reported.
Victor Cardona
Efficient SAR Narratives: Beyond the 5 W's
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